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Our Mission

We are looking to partner with passionate management of seed and early stage startup consumer product companies who are developing world-class products, services and brands

in the household, outdoor, pet and personal care sectors.

321 Ridgeland Ventures' financial and managerial support will assist you on the journey.

Passionate Management

World class brands are developed by founders and management that are truly evangelistic about their products, service, company and its impact on the global and local community.

Innovative Designs and Products

Consumer products and experiences with innovative concepts that will stand the test of time and disrupt markets.

Connect with Customers

Having a great product or consumer experience is only part of the story... Does your marketing demonstrate the company's value proposition with a dynamic message to the target demographic?

Well Defined Branding Strategy

Does the brand development strategy provide a long term focus that can scale well beyond existing offerings and distribution channels?

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Accelerate Your Growth

How will the capital infusion be a catalyst for your expansion plans? Does it justify early stage investment for investors' exit objectives?

In Depth Due Diligence

The investor presentation and financial documents are only the beginning... Will your business plan hold up to extensive research into markets, message, and future expansion initiatives?

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